Features & Benefits
Absorbance 96 Automate Meets epMotion®
Lab Automation Redefined - Integrated On-deck Microplate Reading with Liquid Handling System (Absorbance 96 Automate is currently not available in Europe)

Integrated automatic microplate reading combined with a liquid handling system is now a tangible reality. Say goodbye to the challenges researchers encounter with benchtop microplate readers lacking integration with liquid handling systems.
But how did this become possible? Eppendorf and Byonoy have joined forces to pioneer state-of-the-art automated laboratory detection solutions and revolutionize laboratory automation workflows.
By seamlessly integrating Byonoy's ultra-compact Absorbance 96 Automate, the world's first on-deck microplate reader, with Eppendorf's cutting-edge epMotion® liquid handling systems, this groundbreaking solution not only sets a new standard for efficiency and precision but also simplifies automated laboratory workflows. This strategic partnership results in a streamlined user experience for researchers across various applications, spanning protein assays to bacterial growth and cellular cytotoxicity assays for high-throughput screening studies.
In a collaborative effort with Eppendorf, a series of experiments has been conducted to assess the performance of the Absorbance 96 Automate. The results confirm that its performance values, including linearity across the tested dynamic range, reproducibility, and readout sensitivity, are on par with those of other benchtop microplate readers. This affirmation underscores the robustness and efficiency of the Absorbance 96 Automate for performing absorbance-based assays.
Additionally, the on-deck integration of Absorbance 96 Automate into the epMotion® liquid handling system allows for the automatic readout of multiple plates without user intervention, significantly reducing the time required for the experimental workflow and analysis compared to manual workflows.
Utilize the combined strength of this dynamic duo to enhance and streamline your lab automation workflow with confidence. Read the official press release here.